

Dec 17, 2023

Lubeck PSD developing water line material inventory

May 10, 2023

LUBECK — The Lubeck Public Service District is developing an inventory identifying the material of all service lines in its system.

The utility owns all service lines up to the water meter. Customers own the portion of service line between the water meter and their home.

To get a full picture of the materials in the system, the district is asking for assistance from the public in identifying the line type that they own.

The project has been undertaken by the district in response to recently updated US Environmental Protection Agency regulations as part of the EPA's new Lead and Copper Rule Revision. All public water systems are required to develop an inventory of service line materials, a process designed to identify and eliminate any lead lines that may be present, protecting the quality of water being consumed.

While the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendment of 1986 banned the use of lead pipes in public systems and plumbing in facilities that provide drinking water, lead service lines may still be present in structures built before that time, particularly in houses. When lead pipes corrode, it can allow lead to enter the drinking water that goes through those pipes and potentially cause negative health effects.

Lubeck Public Service District historically has not had issues with lead service lines in its system, but will be conducting this study to verify the particular material used in every line. Community participation is crucial in this process.

To that end, all customers will be receiving surveys in the mail that contain instructions on how to verify the material, copper, galvanized steel or lead. The district is asking surveys to be returned by mail or in person at 301 Ox Johnson Lane, Washington, WV 26181. Questions can be directed to the PSD office at 304-863-3341.

Customer assistance, which is appreciated, will aid in determining any need for water line replacements throughout the system.

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